Thursday, May 24, 2012

Monday || Start of my last week in Miami :(

As expected the week started with a sad mood. Can't believe the time has al most come to say bye to Miami... I'm gonna miss the crossfit box and Jose's sessions :(

Anyhow... Today's workout was tough... Probably because I was still tired from the team games :)

25 Min AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)

20 Medicine Ball Cleans

15 Dips

10 Toe to Bar of Full Abs

If it's too hard you can do the full abs

5 Burpees

Run 150m

I was feeling very tired probably because of the weekend games... I did 7 rounds in the 25 mins period... try to push your self and see howmch you can do :) Good luck guys!


Saturday || Team Games || Intense but FUN

This was a superb day... We had Crossfit team games... Was very intense but full of fun...

Teams of 3 People
100 Deadlifts (315 lb) 

160 Mtr Tire Flips

Move 300 Lbs up the ramp (50m hill)
Then bring down the 300 Lbs

Relay Run of 400 Mtrs

And my team won the race... We rocked the workout and finished it in 22 mins :D Way to go team!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Going INSANE for one last time before leaving Miami

FRIDAY- I always look forward to this day, not because it the start of a weekend but it's the day for the insane lunch workout by Jose Seminario...So Last Friday was My Final Friday Lunch Workout in CCL Gym. Felt really bad... This workout has improved my strength, endurance a lot. Also has helped me a lot to lose fat.... I am gonna miss this workout so much... Hopefully I will be able to find a place that has a group session as good as this one :-)

So this was the workout on Friday... It was so insane, and intensed I could not go for my crossfit session after work... I was that tired :D

Warm up for 20 mins with full body movements, skips, jumping jacks, toe touches, butt kicks, high knee etc.

The Following 4 Exercises are done for 40 seconds and take 20 seconds break... After each round take 45 seconds break and restart. Continue for 3 rounds

Squat jacks

Side Shuffles with Knee Raise  (20 seconds for each leg)

Push up jacks

IF you want to challange your self more you can try the following

Suicide Drills (side to side jumping lunges)
Every time you move side to side, you are touching the ground with your opposite hand of the side you are drilling on (so for left side). You would touch the ground with your right hand, then side step to your opposite side and repeat with your other hand. Make sure you keep your core tight.

More 40/20's
The next 4 Exercises are also done for 40 seconds and take 20 seconds break... After each round take 45 seconds break and restart. Continue for 3 rounds

Side lunges with jumping jacks
Do a side lunge and then a jumping jack and then continue to other leg followed by another jumping jack


Spin burpees

Jumping lunges

Dip position kickes
Not sure of the exact name. But you stay in the tricep dip position, lift your hip and do kicks

After the workout... Stretch well and warm down... Gonna miss this workout! Hopefully I will be able to find a fun session like this... 

Friday, May 18, 2012

|| This is the way to get over a bad day at work ||

My disastrous week at work continues... So to release a bit of anger and frustration I went and did some weights during lunch today :-) It was a quick half hour work out...

3 x 10 bench press (145-165 lbs)
3 x 10 incline press (115-120lbs)
3 x 10 cable cross overs (50 Each side)
3 x 10 lat pull downs (100 lbs)
3 x 10 Seated rows with the long bar (around 100 lbs)
3 x 15 Dips
3 x 15 Butterfly Crunches

After work I was so looking forward to the crossfit workout because they had posted on FB saying get ready to for a challenge... And once I went there it scared the hell outa me hahahaa...
It was a long workout and the class record was 26:05 during that time... So I was totally determined to break it atleast by 1 second.... So This was the workout of the day!

Hang Power Clean

20/19/18/17/16/15/14/13/12/11/10 Double Unders (or X4 Singles)
if you dont have a rope then take two dumbbells and do high jumps with it

Front Squats

20/19/18/17/16/15/14/13/12/11/10 Double Unders (or X4 Singles)
if you dont have a rope then take two dumbbells and do high jumps with it
Push Press

1 Lap run after every rounds (so.. all together should be 10 rounds)

For example you have to do start with 10 power cleans, 20 double unders, 10 front squats, 20 double unders, 10 push presses and 1 lap run (around 100m should do)
After then 9/19/9/19/9 and one lap run and so on...                                    

After all you are done with the workout, do 5 x 50m hill sprints... and make sure you SPRINT :-)

And yes... i was able to beat the record and put up a new record :D my time was 22:55...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday || One of the off days I slacked

Had a horrible day at work... After work went for Jose's Core cardio workout... It was very different and more challanging than the usual... We did most of the side planks, planks with one leg laised and other core workouts using steps... The session was different than the usual routine and had cardio as well... We also did a lot of abs exersices as well... The Core+Cardio session was 30 mins and intense...

As usual after that I did the crossfit workout... but did it inside the gym itself... So kind of slacked I guess... The WOD was:

Wall Balls

Pull ups

Box Jumps

Butterfly Abs

It was one of those off days that I had a terrible day and kind of didnt do my best... But I made it up the next day... Await the WOD for Thursday... I simply nailed it.... Will post it soon....

Tuesday || Lunch hour spinning + after work Cross Fit

Tuesday. As usual I went for a lunch hour spinning workout. This class is conducted by Jose @ Carnival Cruiselines Gym..As usual it was very intense session and loved every bit of it... Had many sprints with HEAVY resistance, jumps, hills etc. It was a very challenging session and made me sweat like crazy...

Then went to the crossfit box to do the WOD.... The WOD was the following:

8 Rounds of: 3 Minutes working and 1 Minute rest (so you will have 24 mins of working out)
20 KB Swings (35-40 lbs for Men, 15-20 for the Ladies)

20 Mountain runners


4 Burpee Spin

150m run

I was able to do 16 sets of those exersices during the eithght 3 mins rounds... Make sure the push beyond your confort zone.

After the workout... Did 3 hill runs backwards :-)

Then Stretched and called it a day.... That was a great Tuesday again... Oh gonna miss my lunch workouts once I leave Miami :(

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Started the week with a killer workout

My last couple of weeks in Miami and I think it has hit me finally. Was quite depressed because I love this place and love my wokrouts over here. Gonna miss Jose's workouts @ the carnival cruise lines gym and the Cross Fit box in Doral crossfit4u...
Well... this is how I started the week...
Warm Up with running, burpees, jumping jacks, skipping and lunges
20 Min AMRAP(As many rounds as possible)
10 Deadlifts (135-150lbs)

15 T2B (Toe to Bar)

20 Wall Balls

20 Walking Lunges (with 25-35lb Kettlebells or Dumbbells)

Run 150 m
I did 6 rounds in 20 mins and felt a bit tired yesterday :S probably cus I was depressed hehehe...
After the rounds are done run 1 km and then warm down :-)

Saturday || Short workout for a lovely weekend

The weekend was so good because I started early... normally I sleep very late on Saturdays but this weekend I decided to go workout. So met Jose @ the Tropical Park.. Nice place with exercise bars, hill and a track as well... had tennis courts, BB courts and everything too... Superb spot... how didnt I know about this place all this time????

Anyhow this was the workout:

3 rounds of the following with one min breaks inbetween rounds:

15 Pike Push Ups

Start Position: Place feet toes-first into foot cradles. Position into a suspended plank. Do not let hips sag.

Movement Description:
Suspended Pike: Raise hips in a pike by bending at waist. Keep legs straight and feet together. Return to start position. 

Suspended Pike with Pushup: perform a pushup between each pike.
Tip: Keep back straight and drive head down between arms, look at feet as hips drive up into pike.

15 Pull Ups

15 Dips

30 Seat Outs

After the 3 rounds are done --> 2 km run on the track

After the workout went for a walk with DANNA and TOMMY :-)

Those two were simply awesome...

Then headed to OH! Sushi in Doral and had an amazing lunch :D with some Japanese beer....

Later that day watched Avengers!!! That was like icing on the cake :-) 

What a great Saturday :-)

Monday, May 14, 2012

FRIDAY || Jose's INSANITY Session

Everyweek I am waiting for the Friday's workout. It has been my favorite for months now. And I guess I only have one or two more sessions left as I will be leaving Miami soon :(

So Jose's Friday workout was a blast as usual.

20 mins Warm up

Do the following exerices with a 10 lbs Dumbbell
Reps - (2-4-6-8) - You do 2 from each exercise, then 4, 6 and 8. No breaks until the whole thing is over. After you finish all the rounds then you take a 1 min break and continue this for 3 rounds

Side Lunges

Riverse Lunges

Push up rows


push press (Single hand at a time)

40 seconds exercise and 20 seconds break. No breaks inbetween rounds and continue for 2 rounds.

Power Jacks

Push ups with shoulder taps

3 Rounds of the following Abs exercises
15 crunches with legs raised

20 per side - bicycle crunches

15 seconds per each leg - Planks with one leg up

Stretch and warm down :D

This was an amazing workout and I could feel that my fitness level has increased massively...

Seat Outs

Mountain runners